Anna walked right into the room today and came to us like she knew we would be there, YEAH! I was really concerned we would have to start over with her getting to know us since we had not seen her in 2 days, but she seemed to almost be expecting us! During our visit we were able to watch her participate in her groups "music time". It was like being at the library story time in our hometown! One of the caregivers played the piano and sang the songs while the children mimicked the movements with the shakers and toys. It was really cute to watch and we could tell they were used to these songs and knew what to do. Anna seemed excited to show us her stuff, particularly how she can spin around and clap at the same time:-) After her class time we played hard for another hour and a half. We could tell she was getting tired or hungry because she started acting like she was on Friday afternoon, just kind of fussy and hard to please. We brought out a board book we had with us and she sat contently on my lap and looked at it for at least 10 minutes. That was a good sign that maybe on the plane she will be pacified with "low stimulus" toys.
We had been told at some point during our visits we would be able to see her eat a meal with her group. Ryan and I had talked about this some and commented that it probably takes forever to feed 15 small little ones their meals. Umm, we could not have been more wrong! They brought us down to her groups room and there at little small tables and chairs were about 11 other kids just starting to eat their lunchtime meal. She eagerly sat down and they brought hers to her. Before I could even get out the camera and snap a couple of pictures she had completely drained her soup bowl! I am not kidding, I thought she had spilled it or something. I have never seen anything like it, our boys could take some eating lessons from her! The tables they sit at come right to their chins so these little babies just have to basically shovel the food into their mouths with the adult size spoons they are given. Once the soup was gobbled down they brought their plates with a large portion of mashed potatoes with meat and carrots all pureed together. Same thing happened again, these kidos take huge bites and shovel every last drop in before you can get your mind around what is going on. After this, the caregivers served juice in a normal size cup (no sippy) and they drink it all on their own. It was a sight to see! Start to finish I think it was over in 10 minutes.
After witnessing some of her normal daily routines these last few days it is starting to sink in exactly how much of her life in just a matter of days is going to be completely new. I am feeling sad for her because of the changes we are about to thrust upon her. She is very comfortable in her environment and with her caregivers and we are going to remove her from everything that she knows. Her sights, sounds, smells, schedule, food, drinks, language, clothes, bed, playmates, caregivers, toys, absolutely everything will change. Although we know in the long-run it is what is best for her, we have to be so sensitive to the fact that her mind is going to be overwhelmed with everything new. My prayers for her is that somehow in the midst of all the changes that will be going on around her, that she will start to realize we will be her constant. These two people that smile, talk and dote over her all day will always be here and that she can learn to trust us. I pray that God will hold her extra close as we make our journey home and settle her into her new life. I also pray that we will be sensitive to her and be able to understand what she is needing (time to cry, time to be held, time to be left alone). We are discovering that our journey TO Anna is over, but now another journey begins.
Front of our apartment building
View from apartment building
Tastes almost like home
PS: If you read this and happen to see our boys, please give them a big hug from us. We are missing them so much it hurts!
Hi Amy & Ryan - I'm from the yahoo group and have been following your journey. It's so wise of you to think of how her world will be turned upside down. Thank you for sharing your experience...I have cried and smiled at the same time. I'm thrilled for your family and look forward to hearing more...
Claire Pennel
I read your awesome post this morning... thought about it all day. Those hugs and beginning days together are so wonderful to read about.
Though the rest of the world is turning and going, continue to be purposeful in trying to stand still in your moments...your memories of this time will be with you forever, but you have to make them stick. Know that you are not forgotten all the way over there.
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